9 Crown Row, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 0TH

Marketing & Operations Manager
Helen is Nick’s sister and she successfully set up and established our Lettings Department back in 2013. Having spent much of her career prior to DY working in marketing, Helen now heads up our Marketing & Operations department. This suits her organisational skills, creativity and keen eye for detail perfectly! She loves taking long walks with her Labrador Finn and when time permits, travelling and visiting new places around the globe.
Top of my bucket list is…
To keep travelling, visit more new countries and ultimately, one day explore Europe in a (very comfortable!) camper van.
My guilty pleasure…
Ben & Jerry’s cookie dough ice cream. Probably best to just not buy it!
When I was younger, I wanted to be…
Less shy/more confident. Still working on it…
If I were a superhero, my superpower would be…
To help find a cure for cancer and dementia. Here’s hoping.
On Sunday morning, you can usually find me…
Up bright and early for a long dog walk in the countryside.
You might be surprised to know that…
One of my earliest qualifications as a teenager was as a Clarks trained shoe fitter. Ohh, all those back to school shoes!
18 Oct 2016
Legionnaires disease is a pneumonia-like illness caused by the spread of bacteria that can be incubated in the warm water of heating and air conditioning systems. The disease is not communicable between people.
Whilst the disease is usually best incubated in commercial heating and air conditioning systems and cold water systems where water temperatures are between 20 and 45 degrees celsius, domestic systems can also be liable to contamination.
Landlords are under a duty to ensure that the risk of exposure to tenants, residents and visitors by Legionella is properly assessed and controlled although normally, there is no reason why the landlord should not carry out this risk assessment himself/herself so long as they are competent. This responsibility is detailed under Section 3(2) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
Importantly, there has been no change to UK legislation since the L8 Approved Code of Practice (3rd edition) (ACOP) was published in 2001.
However, L8 Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) was revised and republished in November 2013 and retained the guidance on the requirements of HSWA and COSHH for employers AND those with responsibilities for the control of premises including landlords (L8 ACOP, paragraphs 1 and 2). It applies to the control of Legionella bacteria in any undertaking involving a work activity AND applies to premises controlled in connection with a trade, business or other undertaking where water is used or stored and there is a reasonably foreseeable risk of exposure to Legionella bacteria (L8 ACOP, paragraph 22).
It should be noted that the need to undertake a risk assessment is different to a need to test for legionella. The former should be a reasonably simple process for an informed person. However, the assessment must be properly undertaken and documented.
The assessment will consider a variety of factors including;
The HSE’s own website states;
“A simple assessment may show that there are no real risks and are being properly managed and no further action is needed. It is important to review the assessment in case anything changes in the system.
Implementing simple, proportionate and appropriate control measures will ensure the risk remains low.
For most domestic hot and cold water systems, temperature is the most reliable way of ensuring the risk of exposure to Legionella bacteria is minimised ie keep the hot water hot, cold water cold and keep it moving. Other simple control measures to help control the risk of exposure to Legionella include:
flushing out the system prior to letting the propertyavoiding debris getting into the system (eg ensure the cold water tanks, where fitted, have a tight fitting lid)setting control parameters (eg setting the temperature of the hot water cylinder (calorifier) to ensure water is stored at 60°C)
We are not providing a detailed or extensive list here but provide the information within this post so as to best illustrate the sort of things that need to be considered when preparing the risk assessment required under HSE legislation. For more details visit the HSE website.
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