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Is a For Sale Board Important?

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At Duncan Yeardley we’ve seen lots of changes since the company was formed in 1987. Fax machines have been, and now gone. Email has made a huge impact on communication, as has the worldwide web. In days past local newspaper advertising was a mainstay of the marketing process. Nowadays making sure our clients’ properties feature prominently to purchasers searching online is a critical part of the process.

Paper indexing was a laborious and inefficient way of maintaining a database of prospective buyers and ‘hot leads’ whereas now a keystroke might inform our whole database of a new instruction in seconds.

For Sale Board

One of the oldest forms of advertising available to the house seller is an estate agent’s board. Many may consider this an out of date form of advertising but they couldn’t be more wrong. After all, if you are interested in a particular area or even road, what better way to identify new properties to the market than the for sale board?

Not only does a for sale board mark the property as being available, it can also identify whom the buyer should contact, how and whether viewings are by appointment.

Times have moved on since we began back in the 1980’s and many more tools have been added to the professional estate agent’s tool kit in that time, but the humble ‘For Sale’ board remains an important and effective marketing tool even today.

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