9 Crown Row, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 0TH

Marketing & Operations Manager
Helen is Nick’s sister and she successfully set up and established our Lettings Department back in 2013. Having spent much of her career prior to DY working in marketing, Helen now heads up our Marketing & Operations department. This suits her organisational skills, creativity and keen eye for detail perfectly! She loves taking long walks with her Labrador Finn and when time permits, travelling and visiting new places around the globe.
Top of my bucket list is…
To keep travelling, visit more new countries and ultimately, one day explore Europe in a (very comfortable!) camper van.
My guilty pleasure…
Ben & Jerry’s cookie dough ice cream. Probably best to just not buy it!
When I was younger, I wanted to be…
Less shy/more confident. Still working on it…
If I were a superhero, my superpower would be…
To help find a cure for cancer and dementia. Here’s hoping.
On Sunday morning, you can usually find me…
Up bright and early for a long dog walk in the countryside.
You might be surprised to know that…
One of my earliest qualifications as a teenager was as a Clarks trained shoe fitter. Ohh, all those back to school shoes!
15 May 2018
The idea of a universal credit score is misplaced. Every lender in the UK will have their own varying criteria for new business. However, all will be interested in knowing just how credit-worthy you are and part of establishing this is by undertaking a check of your ‘credit file’. These individual profiles are built up on each of us over time by credit agencies such as Experian, Call Credit & Equifax. The agencies harvest information that is either publicly available or provided by third parties (such as utilities companies and other lenders.
Nowadays, a good credit rating can help you obtain favourable terms for a mortgage, insurance and even mobile phone contracts so it’s worth making sure the information held on you is as accurate and beneficial to you as possible.
A credit score is made up of lots of information. There is also a lot of information not automatically held by ratings agencies. What’s held is weighted and judged based upon the facts. The idea being that a predictable model of your behaviour can be created in order to evaluate your credit-worthiness.
For example, being late to pay your gas bill is likely to be information shared by the utility company with the ratings agencies. A County Court Judgement for unpaid debt likewise. On the other hand, if you religiously pay your personal loan every month and whilst you borrow on a credit card, you make regular monthly payments in accordance with the terms of your agreement, this will help build an attractive profile and improve your ‘credit score’.
A good way to start the process of improving your credit file is to find out what is held on it now. You can apply to Experian or one or all of the other agencies to see what information is held by them. Check it. If you find irregularities or incorrect or missing information you might want to get this rectified.